BITAC Assistant Engineer Mechanical Exam Questions and Solutions 2023

In this exam there was total 40 questions. The questions and possible solutions are given below. 

1. Draw stress strain diagram of mild steel

Stress strain diagram of mild steel

2. What are the factors that affects thermal comfort?

Factors that affects thermal comfort:

1. Temperature: The ambient temperature plays a significant role. It should be within a range that suits individual preferences and the specific activity being performed.

2. Humidity: High humidity can make a space feel warmer, while low humidity can lead to dryness and discomfort. Maintaining optimal humidity levels is crucial.

3. Air Velocity: The speed of air movement can impact how we perceive temperature. Proper ventilation and air distribution help maintain comfort.

4. Clothing: The type and amount of clothing worn affect an individual's thermal comfort. Dress code and personal attire should align with the indoor climate.

5. Metabolic Rate: The level of physical activity influences how much heat our bodies generate. Spaces with varying activity levels may require different temperature settings.

6. Occupant Preferences: Personal preferences and individual differences in thermal sensitivity contribute to comfort variations. Customizable settings can enhance overall satisfaction.

3. Draw boiling curve for water

Typical boiling curve for water at 1 atm pressure
Typical boiling curve of water at 1atm pressure

4. What is NPSH

NPSH stands for net positive suction head. It is available absolute suction head at pump impeller.

NPSH equation


 Pa = atmospheric pressure

Pv = vapor pressure of the liquid

Gamma = specific weight of the liquid

Vs = liquid velocity at suction

Hs= suction head 

Hfs = frictional head loss at suction

5. What are the difference between boring and reaming

Boring and reaming are both machining processes, but they differ in their objectives and methods. Boring enlarges existing holes, while reaming refines the dimensions and surface finish of a hole. Boring is typically done with a single-point cutting tool, while reaming uses a multi-edge tool for precision.

6. Write down the equation differential equation for forced damped vibration

differential equation of force damped vibration

7. What is the definition of specific speed of turbine? Write down its mathematical form.

The specific speed of a turbine is a dimensionless parameter that helps classify and compare different types of turbines based on their performance. It is defined as the speed of a geometrically similar turbine that would produce unit power (one kilowatt) under a unit head (one meter).

In simpler terms, it tells you how fast a hypothetical turbine would have to spin to produce 1 kilowatt of power under a 1-meter head, if it were geometrically similar to the actual turbine you are interested in.

Equation of specific speed

Rest of the questions are given below. Solutions will be given later. 

8. Draw pv and Ts diagram of joule cycle

9. Draw front view of the following object

10. What are the differences between clutch and coupling

11. Define first and second law of thermodynamics

12. What is octane number

13. What is six sigma in management? How it is implemented. What are the spe steps to implement it?

14. What is G code and M code programing

15. What is transducer and actuator

16. The chemical reaction that does not depend on its concentration What type of reaction is it?

17. What types of operation is used to make soft drink botle

18. On a FCC crystal in which direction force should be applied so that all of the six face deform equally

19. Which defects decreases with increase of annealing temperature

20. Why agitation is necessary in quencing operation

21. What is lean manufacturing

22. Find material removal rate for following math (drilling operation math)

23. Why welding flux is used?

24. What are three types of inventory?

25. How will you measure plasticity and elasticity of a materialo

26. বজ্রবুলি কি?

27. বিভক্তিহীন নাম শব্দকে কি বলে ?

28. শূন্যপুরান কোন যুগের সাহিত্য নিদর্শন

29. গুনহীন চিরদিন থাকে পরাধীন। এখানে গুনহীন কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি?

30. সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ করুন

ক) পদ্ধতি

খ) ক্ষুধার্ত

31. Translate the following sentence:

অনুগ্রহ করে যত দ্রুত সম্ভব ইমেইলের খসড়াটি শেষ করুন

32 The officer has no ambition - fame in life

33. Correct the following sentense.

Shreya, who she is my best friend, is a singer

34. She Write the correct form of verb.

She wanted __ (go) to the party but she had to __ (study) for his exam.

35. He has great enthusiasm for the project. write antonym for enthusiasm.

36. কোন বিজ্ঞানী পাটের জিনোম সিকুয়েন্স আবিষ্কার করেন

37. BEPZA এর পূর্নরূপ কি?

38. ১৯৯৭ সালে বাংলাদেশ কোন দেশের বিপক্ষে ICC ট্রফি জয় করে?

39. মোরা একটি ফুলকে বাঁচাবো বলে যুদ্ধ করি' গানের রচয়িতা কে?

40. SDG এর কয়টি গোল এবং সাব-গোল আছে?


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